Mastering the Seven Cs of Consulting: How to Deliver Results That Impress Your Clients

As a consultant, delivering results that impress your clients is crucial to building a successful career. But how do you ensure that you’re consistently exceeding expectations and making an impact? The answer lies in mastering the Seven Cs of Consulting – a framework designed to help consultants deliver exceptional value and drive real business outcomes. In this blog post, we’ll take a deep dive into each of the Seven Cs and explore practical strategies for putting them into action. Whether you’re just starting out in consulting or looking to take your skills to the next level, this guide will help you elevate your game and become an indispensable partner for your clients.

Client: This means that you need to start by understanding your client’s needs, goals, and challenges. You should take the time to listen to your client’s perspective and ask questions to clarify their objectives. This will help you identify the specific areas where you can provide the most value.

Clarify: Once you’ve identified your client’s needs, you need to clarify your role and the scope of your engagement. This means defining the specific deliverables, timelines, and expectations for the project. By doing this, you can ensure that both you and your client are on the same page and that everyone understands what needs to be accomplished.

Create: This is where you start to develop your recommendations and solutions. You should use your expertise and experience to develop a customized approach that will meet your client’s needs. You should also be creative and innovative in your thinking, looking for ways to bring new ideas and perspectives to the table.

Change: Once you’ve created your recommendations, you need to work with your client to implement them. This may involve making changes to existing processes, introducing new technologies, or reorganizing teams. You should be prepared to help your client navigate through any resistance to change and provide support as they implement your recommendations.

Confirm: As you work with your client to implement your recommendations, you need to confirm that they are achieving the desired results. This means regularly checking in with your client, gathering feedback, and making adjustments as necessary

Continue: Ensure that the change will be sustained, using learning that emerges from the transition, skills of change agents, and sharing of new knowledge and skills. Anchor the changes.

Finally, Close A clear end to the consultant-client relationship with an end of contract review and report that highlights achievements as well as deliverables.

In conclusion, the Seven Cs of Consulting provide a proven framework for creating successful client engagements. By focusing on client needs, clarifying your role, creating innovative solutions, driving change, confirming results, and continuing to support your client, you can help them achieve their business objectives and build a strong, long-term relationship.

Have A Business Idea? Not Sure What To Do Next?

Do you have a business idea but not sure what to do next???

Not knowing how to proceed is a common challenge to overcome. There is help! Business consultants work with entrepreneurs and existing companies. They provide the expertise necessary to move forward. They are the solution to many startups and existing businesses. Business consulting services are a great fit for many. Is it a good fit for you? Find out more about consulting below here.

Having a biz idea is exciting. It can feel refreshing, empowering, and inspiring. It can also feel overwhelming. This often comes from not knowing how to move forward. What the next step is. Nevertheless, new venture ideas are wonderful. Some are bad, some good, some brilliant. After one has a biz idea, writes it out in more detail, some research is necessary. Get clarity of how well the new idea is by comparing it to what already exists in the market. What other companies already provide. What currently is being offered. You must take care of the due diligence. Still think your idea is good enough to form a company. Then, it is time to write more details out. You may use a pre-created plan, template or a service for it.

It is during this time that you may also want to start working with a professional consultant. Business consulting services will not only write the business plan for you but assist you with the details of it. You must gather lots of precise details required in a business plan. Consultants can assist with this process and more. Consulting services provide temporary professional assistance. Clients use this help as they need it for their startup venture. Consultants work in areas that are priority and critical to the startup. Consultants can get involved right away and provide measurable results.

Have you ever worked with a business consultant? Find out if it is right for you! Speak to a business expert about your startup. Find out what kind of assistance can be provided. Ask questions, get details, and answers. Learn more about what type of options you have with your startup. There is lots of help available for business startups. For example, get a list of business funding sources. See if you can raise some money for your new business and startup venture. Getting funded can make a drastic difference.

Have a business idea? Talk to an expert about your idea. Find out what opportunities are available to individuals who have a business idea. Learn what the next logical steps are to move forward. Get some clarity on getting started and moving forward with your business idea. Starting a new venture is so exciting, exhilarating, scary, inspiring, and more. Why guess? Have a new idea talk to an experts. Guessing is never good in business. It creates margins for error. Talk to experienced professionals about your idea.

Not just mistakes are avoided, better choices are made. Informed decisions are made. Less guessing is done. Much is to be gained when working with helpful professionals.

Metaverse: What it means for restaurants

In 2030, the metaverse will be a new digital channel for restaurants to offer engaging, interactive experiences that boost brand awareness and customer experience. In the metaverse, customers can step into a virtual restaurant to browse menus, meet friends, and even order real food that will then be delivered to their door. 

This is one of the key technologies that will shape the future of the fast food experience.

Opportunities in the Metaverse

In addition to expanding your brand’s footprint and awareness, restaurants can set up their digital version in such a way as to allow virtual customers to sign up for their loyalty programs. They can also offer unique dining experiences or the ability to purchase meals using NFTs. Avatars can even make a reservation or place an online order in the Metaverse and have it translated to the real world. 

I know, somewhat confusing for those of us who are not so digitally inclined. Not all of us will make a name for our brand in the digital world, but for those that do, the digital frontier offers new and exciting opportunities.

“Now that we’ve established our presence on Roblox, we’re excited to continue activating on the platform and providing real value for Roblox users,” Chipotle’s Lieberman said. “Our presence on Roblox allows us to engage with our Gen Z … fans who are spending a lot of time on the platform.”

Creative Possibilities For The Restaurant Industry

• A Cooking Session With The Chef: Get rid of the language barriers, borders and questionable workshops. Cook like a real master of the culinary arts. This feature may be used not only to entertain customers but also to train restaurant employees.

• Culinary Arts Museum: Create your own culinary arts museum in augmented reality to share exciting stories and legends with your customers, let them see 3-D replicas of famous meals, interactive display items and much more.

Fine dining in virtual reality

Meanwhile, some high-end restaurants have begun exploring ways to take advantage of restaurants in the metaverse.

The Sublimotion restaurant, which opened in Ibiza, Spain in 2014, is the creation of Michelin two-star chef Paco Roncero. Diners wear Samsung VR headsets to experience Roncero preparing their meals. Dining is enjoyed in “capsules” that provide an immersive auditory and visual metaverse-like experience with different virtual locations, such as the bottom of the ocean or in outer space.

Restaurants and Virtual Reality

“Virtual reality dining is still a pricey novelty — costing as much as $2,000 — but it does have the potential to create a new kind of food experience.”10

Mark Zuckerberg presented a “feast for your eyes” presentation to explain how brands could use this method seamlessly into their restaurants. To expand, “feast for your eyes” allows diners to swipe through a VR menu, which allows diners to explore options such as discovering ingredients, and they are able to watch the preparation and cooking process of the menu items.11 Zuckerberg also claims that restaurants could even allow guests to order directly from the virtual menu while they dine-in or order for delivery.12

Restaurants can also include a world in Metaverse that allows their customers to experience the restaurant virtually with their friends, or potentially have a virtual reality date. This will give them the experience of a real restaurant while staying inside the comfort of their own homes.


What is a Metaverse restaurant?

An avatar lives a virtual life in the Metaverse. This includes shopping, working, and eating. Real-world restaurant brands are establishing themselves in this digital world as the place to go for a bite or play a game. This experience in the virtual world can then translate to action in our physical world, driving purchases and brand awareness through the Metaverse.

Can we eat in the Metaverse?

No, people can’t, yet, eat food in the digital world. They can, however, order food that’s then delivered in the physical world. OneRare is working with chefs, restaurants, and popular cooking shows to mint NFTs for their dishes. Avatars can visit a virtual restaurant that offers signature celebrity chef dinners, shop at a virtual farmers market, and even make donations to a community fridge, all of which impact real life.

Can you taste in the Metaverse?

At the end of 2021, a Japanese professor, Homei Miyashita, developed Taste the TV (TTTV), a prototype for a TV screen with a disposable hygienic film that, when licked, imitates food flavors. Likewise, Vocktail is a virtual cocktail that tricks the senses and mimics flavors. So, the answer to whether we can taste food and drinks in the Metaverse is “someday.”

The importance of a business plan

Thinking of starting a new business can be very easy, but the rest of the path can be difficult.

Just like how an architect creates a blueprint before building a house, a business plan is a tool to build a foundation and develop a structure for the future of your business. 

Business plans are integral for success – they can help secure funding, project financial growth, and flesh out operational details. Creating an organized and effective business plan requires a deep understanding of business management and expertise in the relevant industries.

A business plan gives you a means for capturing your entrepreneurial vision in writing. It enables you to fine-tune your aspirations and recognize where there are gaps or inconsistencies in what you want to accomplish. 

Another important way in which business plans can provide tangible help is by aligning everyone in an organization with the vision and strategy going forward.

A business plan helps you better understand your competition, the market you’re entering, and customer trends and preferences.

Expert opinions and numerous studies show that business plans improve corporate satisfaction, are useful for angel investors and venture capitalists, and increase a company’s chances of raising capital by 2.5x.

A business plan will help you identify red flags in advance. It’s an excellent way to do a “reality check” and recognize warning signs of impending doom. With a realistic view of whether your business idea has a chance of success, you can make an informed decision about whether to move forward, cease and desist, or alter your course.

Having a business plan allows you to make better decisions because it helps prevent decision-making on the fly. It gives you strategic direction, so fewer outcomes are left to chance. Not only is a business plan important for startups, but it’s also a valuable tool for established businesses. All businesses change and grow. All industries evolve. Therefore, a business plan should be approached as a living, breathing document that needs to adapt to the circumstances at hand and its environment.

Now that you have a solid grasp on the “why” behind business plans, you can confidently move forward with creating your own!

Remember that a business plan will grow and evolve along with your business, so it’s an important part of your whole journey—not just the beginning!

Mohamad Seifeddine

How to Find a Co-founder for Your Startup

Many factors go into a successful startup, such as market need, financing, a viable business model, and marketing. However, finding the right team – specifically, the right co-founder or cofounders – is a crucial first step. 

Your cofounder is your business partner. They are the one you’ll be spending long hours with in the trenches, building your business from the ground up.

So, it’s critical that you choose your cofounder wisely.

But, how does one even start looking for a co-founder and is it really as simple as it sounds? Well, to start off, one has to set a skillset requirement before endeavoring on such a journey. Listed here are a few tips that might help you find a co-founder for your startup.

1- Write a “job description” for that ideal partner

The most productive way of finding a decent co-founder is for you to write a comprehensive job description for that role. The only reasonable way to do it is to look at the strengths and potential weaknesses of your business. Once you realize what you need from your co-founder and find out which particular skills that person must have, put it in the job description. Also, try and look for someone who complements your skills with theirs, in order to ensure that your cooperation is productive and that your business is flourishing.

2- What Skills do you Lack?

Ask yourself what skills you are lacking, and what you would like to see in your co-founders skillset? You have to be perfectly clear on what skills will be needed for the success of the startup, and what is it that you are looking for. Take a look at your management team, and see what skills they are lacking; by identifying the necessary roles in your management team, you will figure out the real number of co-founders you need for your business. Each business member has its own roles and responsibilities which have to be fulfilled, which is why you are looking for someone with a decent skillset to fill those shoes.

3- Where to Look for a Co-founder?

There are many places where one could go searching for a co-founder. It all starts with the network of people you know; if someone can vouch for a particular person that is a great place to start. Another thing you can do is look at online “matchmaking” sites for business partners. Your last option should be an open job posting.

4- Take Your Time

Finding the right co-founder is a lengthy process, so take your time and do not rush it. Trying to speed up the process can only bring about bad results, which is something you might want to avoid. Get some time and look for the perfect candidate, spread the word on business forums and sites and monitor people’s reactions. If you have more than one person applying for the job (which is usually the case), test their skillsets and try and find the one that best complements yours. If none of them fits you right, just keep looking and in time, a perfect candidate will appear.

5- Avoid Family and Good Friends

Sooner or later, all startup founders (or at least the majority of them) consider reaching out to a member of family or a really good friend to be their co-founder. On one hand, it makes sense. You know this person. You know their good and bad traits. You trust them. Trust us, taking on a member of the family or a good friend as a co-founder is a huge mistake.

6- Be Diverse

In today’s world, most of the startups are being founded by college students who are 20 to 30 years old. Normally this creates a lot of space for different people with the same ideas. When hiring, you should be as diverse as possible, for extraordinary ideas are born out of diverse backgrounds and extraordinary experiences.

7- Research

Once you go through these steps, choosing a co-founder will be much easier. You will know what to look for in a person, and his skillset will determine whether he is the right fit for your business or not. Remember, take it slowly this just might dictate the future of your business. Do your research and start searching.

Why coaches need branding?

Branding is how you stand out and attract your ideal client

In the last 15 years the coaching industry has exploded and excelling in this fierce competition is another task that needs to be accomplished. Businesses exist in a competitive environment which makes building your brand not something “extra” that you have to do. It’s a crucial component of building your business!

What is branding?

Marketing and branding are both important, but the difference between the two is what makes branding so important for your coaching life.

“Branding” is who you are; the person. And “marketing” is how you build awareness for that identity; the logo.

Both are important to expanding your reach and maintaining client loyalty.

Branding is not just about having a pretty logo and color palette—in fact, the visual aspect of your brand is only the icing on the cake, so to speak. Branding is more about the ingredients of that cake, and how they work together to create a tasty and cohesive representation of your life coaching business.


It will help people associate you with the results they’re looking for in their life and it will give you a strong platform to stand on and share the truths and hopes your clients need in their life.

  1. Positions you as an authority
  2. Builds your credibility
  3. Makes marketing easier
  4. Helps you grow your business 
  5. Helps you make a larger impact
  6. Connects with your audience and attracts your ideal clients
  7. Showcases your strengths and what you bring to the table
  8. Illuminates what makes you unique and different from other providers in your space
  9. Shares a glimpse into what it’s like to work with you

Your brand strategy informs nearly every decision you’ll make in your business and most importantly, it’s the way you’ll make an emotional connection with your clients–it’s all the reasons why they’ll choose you instead of any other coach.

A good brand strategy has many benefits for your business:

  1. Command a Premium Price: Brand strategy gives you the power to position yourself as an empathetic, trustworthy coach with a unique set of value propositions offered by none of your competitors.
  2. Communicate a Clear Message: People need what you offer. You know as a coach that you can make a difference. Unfortunately, the people who need your coaching services the most will have a hard time connecting with you if you don’t have a clear message that explains how your brand will solve their problem and transform their life. 
  3. Increase Client Loyalty and Referrals: If you deliver what your brand promises, your clients will remember you.The most successful coaches at some point stop selling and grow through client referrals. Why, because happy clients want to talk about their experience and want others to share in this experience. 
  4. Differentiate Yourself from Other Coaches in Your Niche: You’re facing a lot of competition, it’s difficult to stand out, and potential clients have lots of options when it comes to choosing their coach.That’s why differentiating yourself is more important than ever. 
  • Branding is super important because it’s one of the key ways you differentiate yourselves from other coaches. Using distinctive branding can help you stand out from other coaches in your niche and can help you become more recognizable and known.
  • Branding can also create trust. A professional looking brand can help communicate your authority and knowledge which can help build trust with potential clients.
  • Your brand can also attract the right people to you and repel the people who aren’t a good fit. When you have a really attractive brand it attracts your ideal clients!
  • How you brand has an impact on how you position yourself in the market, which can also have an effect on your pricing. Believe it or not, you can intentionally use branding to help support higher service prices!
  • Branding can also make you a more confident coach! Having a professional legit looking brand can really help you feel more confident when you’re putting yourself out there and getting visible too.

At Smart Interventions, we don’t just make branding. We solve your problems by using strategy-driven design to get you and your business where they need to be. If you like what you have read and think we would work together well drop us an email or feel free to contact us on Whatsapp on the link below:

How to make the perfect pitch deck

What is a Pitch Deck? (Definition)

A pitch deck is a presentation delivered to investors to explain your company, the problem you are solving, important milestones, the stage your company is at, and what you’re looking for in terms of investment.

What should a Pitch Deck include?

#1. Company introduction

This should be a one-sentence explanation of what your business is and the kind of value you want to provide to customers.

#2. Problem and solution

Your business SHOULD be looking to solve a problem. As such, you need to mention which customer faces the problem and how your product or service solves that problem. 

#3. Market opportunity

Go into detail about who your primary customer is and how large the potential market may be. Try to find quantifiable data that supports the information you give on this slide.

#4. Product or Service

Go into greater detail and explain how the product or service solves the problem that customers are facing and how your startup offers a better solution than existing incumbents. 

#5. Traction and growth potential

This is an important slide that aims at showing the attention that the product-company-service is receiving and why it is a great opportunity that the investors do not want to miss. The takeaway from this slide is that you have developed the necessary momentum to scale up in the upcoming months.

#6. Competitors

Your potential investors need to know what they’re up against. Your “Competitors” slide shows who your competing businesses are and what makes you different.

#7. Team

Who are the key players in your business? Who will be the point of contact? What experience does your team have and what makes them stand out from the crowd?

#8. Financials

The financials slide helps investors understand what projected revenue will look like over the next several years. It should contain detailed numbers about your business and finances. At this point, you should have already completed a business plan, and you can pull plenty of data from the financials section of your plan. 

#9. Investment ask and use of funds

At this point in time, your audience and investors should have a clear idea of what you can offer. It is now time to make it clear what you expect in return. Present a clear set of figures detailing specific funds you require, together with how these funds would be used, and what ROI an investor can expect to make.

Do you need any help with your pitch deck? Contact us!

How to attract investors for your startup business

Attracting investors can easily be one of the most challenging things that you encounter when you launch your startup. However, you can’t grow your business without investors, which is why the sooner you start working on getting them on board, the better!

If you are starting a business, thinking about starting a business, or already well on your way and looking to raise your next round, here are a few things I encourage you to do to build excitement and successfully raise funding:

1. Make your business easy to understand. Do one thing, and do it extremely well.

Deciding on your “core competency”

Without a clear core competency, it is very difficult for customers, investors, and even employees to get a firm grasp on what it is the business actually does. What’s the goal? What’s the one thing the business will be known for? What’s the problem, what’s the unmet need, and (in a single sentence) what’s the solution?.

If you can’t explain what problem your business solves, how, and why, in a sentence or two, then chances are you aren’t quite sure either. And if you aren’t 100 percent sure of what problem your business is solving in the world, investors aren’t going to know what they’re investing in.

2. Develop a strong business plan.

Your business plan is an essential document that proves one thing to investors: that your business is worth their risk. Your plan should clearly outline your business objectives and goals.

Show that you have a deep understanding of your target market and provide a complete description of the product or services you offer.
An essential section of the business plan is your marketing plan. It defines your market size and growth prospects and should show trend influences and sales potential.

3. Provide Management Team Bios & References

Investors have a keen interest in both you (as the founder) and the management team—from understanding their industry background to their business experience. They need to feel confident that you and your team can lead the company to grow and make a return on their investment.

Ensure you exude confidence and passion and demonstrate your willingness and ability to change course should your company need to shift direction. 

Other positive traits investors look for in founders are the ability to make decisions with input from your leadership team (there’s no room for indecisiveness), excellent relationship and networking skills, and the ability to build a company around core competencies and deliver on them.

Final thoughts

Investors assume risk whenever they invest. An exit opportunity provides them a “reward” for their risky move. It’s therefore imperative to integrate an exit strategy into your business plan. Let investors know how you plan to return their investment. Will you pursue an acquisition? Merge with another company?

Choose an exit strategy that aligns with your business and personal goals. Your time frame may vary, so think about when you may want to implement your exit strategy as well. The objective is for all parties to exit profitably.

As exhilarating as it is, the fundraising process can be intimidating. But when you’re prepared, you can go in strong and confident—moving you one step closer to achieving your goal. Need help getting your financials in order? Do you have further questions about how to attract investors to your business? Contact us!

Strategy for Smaller Businesses

A strategy is a set of decisions on where you want your business to be in the future, in line with your company’s mission.

A strategy is usually created in a strategic planning process by the senior leaders of an organization. Models that involve employees in developing strategies are on the rise and seem to pay off.

How do you know your strategy is the right one? Well, you don’t. But with some clear strategic goals, you avoid the confusion that prevents many companies from growing. Or to phrase it differently: “We might be wrong, but at least we’re not confused.”

How do you get there?
How do you make your strategy a reality?

The roadmap is your first step in executing your strategy. It defines where you are right now, where you want to be according to the strategy and then describes which milestones you need to reach to get to where you want to be.


To create a roadmap, make a list of things necessary in your strategic target state. To guide this, stick to the categories: People, Processes, Tools and Partners.


In the next step, you define where you are today. Again, it makes sense to stick to the categories.


Now create the actual roadmap – a high-level execution plan on how you will close the gap between today and your strategic goal. This road-map will be the basis for goal-setting for your organization and successful strategy execution. The roadmap will always have a time component to it as it lays out the milestones in a chronological way.


Use the milestones identified in the roadmap to lay out the most critical tasks for the next three months. An excellent tool for this is Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). You are breaking down the 1-to-5-year horizon into manageable steps of three months. This clarity will help your team to set the right priorities. You will have to handle your regular business in parallel while working on strategy implementation. Staying focused on three topics per quarter will make sure your resources are used most effectively.



You want your team moving jointly in the new direction. You must be able to transport the message of why the new set of strategic goals is important for the company. Your team needs to have a deep understanding of the strategic roadmap. Senior executives and team managers need to communicate the meaning of the strategic initiatives over and over again in team meetings. Provide insights into how the strategy execution process is going, where you stand and what the next steps are. The more visual, the better.


As for any change process, training your team is a powerful tool to ensure effective execution of your strategy. There are different training demands that arise from a strategic shift.

  • Make sure everybody has an in-depth understanding of the strategy
  • Create the capabilities and expertise that might be necessary but missing as per your roadmap
  • Executive education to develop the right leadership skills across all management levels


When you change your strategic direction, the way you incentivize and reward your team might have to change as well. Make sure your strategy is reflected in your compensation components as well.


Your new strategy might make it necessary that you restructure your teams. Let’s say you want to diversify your product offering for your two main customer groups, it could be a good idea to change from a functional structure to a divisional structure.


When you need new roles or new employees, create a recruiting roadmap that is in sync with your strategy execution roadmap.


Your organization’s ability to effectively execute your strategy not only depends on your people, but also on the way you distribute resources. There are two possible implications.


You might need to reallocate resources from one topic to another which is more important for your strategy. Make sure you cut budgets that don’t have relevance for your new strategy. That can be painful for the teams, but with the right people measures, the change will be easier to digest.


Depending on your strategy, it’s possible that you have to change the way resources are distributed. Where it is a top-down budgeting approach today, you might want to switch to a more autonomous and agile approach to enable your product teams to develop products quickly. This all depends on what your strategic goals are.

Measure Success

Last but not least, while executing on your strategy it makes sense to measure your success frequently. This will enable you to give feedback back into the organization, showcase the successes on the way and keep engagement up. And of course, you want to know if your measures are paying off. Share the progress widely and in graphical form, e.g. as a big printout of your roadmap and an up-to-date dashboard of your measures. Also, use the quarterly OKR workshops to communicate progress.

Starting a new business? Get help!

Regardless of what you want to do, owning your own business is a goal for many. Being an entrepreneur, growing a business, gaining financial security is a dream for most. Not everyone is equipped to be an entrepreneur or business owner. This is when the help of a business consultant is needed for assistance!

An investment must be made not just in the form of money, but also time, and other commitments. Starting a business is not easy. With many types of companies, the rate of failure is high. To increase chances at success, experts can assist. Experts through consulting services provide the necessary support for business startups and entrepreneurs.

Consultants work in many ways to assist clients with a new business. It can be from basic items such as help structure the new business, creating a business plan, doing research, achieve certain objectives, milestones, and more. A consultant puts best practices ahead since many have done the work already many times before. This strengthens the process and outcomes.

In the beginning of a new business, there is much that is required to be done. Not just done but done correctly. This can range from the basic setups of a business, the structure, licenses, to product design and development. Services may need to be created, priced, and so on. It all depends on the type of business. Are you needing a retail space? What type of business are you starting? A consultant can assist. Speak to one about your business startup and/or idea.

A key benefit of consultants when working with them is the momentum.

The speed of getting things done is critical with a startup business. Often, uncertainty slows things down or is the cause of a complete stall or stop. Procrastinations can happen here quickly.  Consultants move on business topics quickly. Working with a consultant helps avoid slowdowns. Momentum is created when working with the assistance of a business consultant. They add knowledge and details as required, keeping the pace moving forward. Consultants know the next steps are help entrepreneurs, investors, and business startups follow them. Steps are taking in the right order, tasks executed properly, and the startup is successfully established. Speak to a consultant and find out if this is right for you.

Click here to download Smart Interventions startup business brochure to discover our services!