Archives August 2022

Why coaches need branding?

Branding is how you stand out and attract your ideal client

In the last 15 years the coaching industry has exploded and excelling in this fierce competition is another task that needs to be accomplished. Businesses exist in a competitive environment which makes building your brand not something “extra” that you have to do. It’s a crucial component of building your business!

What is branding?

Marketing and branding are both important, but the difference between the two is what makes branding so important for your coaching life.

“Branding” is who you are; the person. And “marketing” is how you build awareness for that identity; the logo.

Both are important to expanding your reach and maintaining client loyalty.

Branding is not just about having a pretty logo and color palette—in fact, the visual aspect of your brand is only the icing on the cake, so to speak. Branding is more about the ingredients of that cake, and how they work together to create a tasty and cohesive representation of your life coaching business.


It will help people associate you with the results they’re looking for in their life and it will give you a strong platform to stand on and share the truths and hopes your clients need in their life.

  1. Positions you as an authority
  2. Builds your credibility
  3. Makes marketing easier
  4. Helps you grow your business 
  5. Helps you make a larger impact
  6. Connects with your audience and attracts your ideal clients
  7. Showcases your strengths and what you bring to the table
  8. Illuminates what makes you unique and different from other providers in your space
  9. Shares a glimpse into what it’s like to work with you

Your brand strategy informs nearly every decision you’ll make in your business and most importantly, it’s the way you’ll make an emotional connection with your clients–it’s all the reasons why they’ll choose you instead of any other coach.

A good brand strategy has many benefits for your business:

  1. Command a Premium Price: Brand strategy gives you the power to position yourself as an empathetic, trustworthy coach with a unique set of value propositions offered by none of your competitors.
  2. Communicate a Clear Message: People need what you offer. You know as a coach that you can make a difference. Unfortunately, the people who need your coaching services the most will have a hard time connecting with you if you don’t have a clear message that explains how your brand will solve their problem and transform their life. 
  3. Increase Client Loyalty and Referrals: If you deliver what your brand promises, your clients will remember you.The most successful coaches at some point stop selling and grow through client referrals. Why, because happy clients want to talk about their experience and want others to share in this experience. 
  4. Differentiate Yourself from Other Coaches in Your Niche: You’re facing a lot of competition, it’s difficult to stand out, and potential clients have lots of options when it comes to choosing their coach.That’s why differentiating yourself is more important than ever. 
  • Branding is super important because it’s one of the key ways you differentiate yourselves from other coaches. Using distinctive branding can help you stand out from other coaches in your niche and can help you become more recognizable and known.
  • Branding can also create trust. A professional looking brand can help communicate your authority and knowledge which can help build trust with potential clients.
  • Your brand can also attract the right people to you and repel the people who aren’t a good fit. When you have a really attractive brand it attracts your ideal clients!
  • How you brand has an impact on how you position yourself in the market, which can also have an effect on your pricing. Believe it or not, you can intentionally use branding to help support higher service prices!
  • Branding can also make you a more confident coach! Having a professional legit looking brand can really help you feel more confident when you’re putting yourself out there and getting visible too.

At Smart Interventions, we don’t just make branding. We solve your problems by using strategy-driven design to get you and your business where they need to be. If you like what you have read and think we would work together well drop us an email or feel free to contact us on Whatsapp on the link below:

How to make the perfect pitch deck

What is a Pitch Deck? (Definition)

A pitch deck is a presentation delivered to investors to explain your company, the problem you are solving, important milestones, the stage your company is at, and what you’re looking for in terms of investment.

What should a Pitch Deck include?

#1. Company introduction

This should be a one-sentence explanation of what your business is and the kind of value you want to provide to customers.

#2. Problem and solution

Your business SHOULD be looking to solve a problem. As such, you need to mention which customer faces the problem and how your product or service solves that problem. 

#3. Market opportunity

Go into detail about who your primary customer is and how large the potential market may be. Try to find quantifiable data that supports the information you give on this slide.

#4. Product or Service

Go into greater detail and explain how the product or service solves the problem that customers are facing and how your startup offers a better solution than existing incumbents. 

#5. Traction and growth potential

This is an important slide that aims at showing the attention that the product-company-service is receiving and why it is a great opportunity that the investors do not want to miss. The takeaway from this slide is that you have developed the necessary momentum to scale up in the upcoming months.

#6. Competitors

Your potential investors need to know what they’re up against. Your “Competitors” slide shows who your competing businesses are and what makes you different.

#7. Team

Who are the key players in your business? Who will be the point of contact? What experience does your team have and what makes them stand out from the crowd?

#8. Financials

The financials slide helps investors understand what projected revenue will look like over the next several years. It should contain detailed numbers about your business and finances. At this point, you should have already completed a business plan, and you can pull plenty of data from the financials section of your plan. 

#9. Investment ask and use of funds

At this point in time, your audience and investors should have a clear idea of what you can offer. It is now time to make it clear what you expect in return. Present a clear set of figures detailing specific funds you require, together with how these funds would be used, and what ROI an investor can expect to make.

Do you need any help with your pitch deck? Contact us!